Monday, January 6, 2014

Why We Home-school

A lot of people have wondered why we choose to home-school.
 So here's the story on how Mom and Dad came to
 the decision to home-school us kids.

Mom and Dad never really thought about homeschooling their kids
 until they met and became friends with a couple home-school families. Mom loved
 how their kids behaved, talked easily and respectfully with adults, and she especially
 liked how the kids all seemed to be friends with each other. Mom even named
 Landon after one of the boys she met and wanted her boy/s to be like.

Landon(7) and Isaac(4)

 Friends come and go, but family is forever, so you might
 as well get to know and cherish them the most, right?

Kate(8) Jack(4) Isaac(6)

 Mom said when Glynne was about 2 was 
when she decided she couldn't bear to send her to school.

me(8) Landon(5)

Kate(1) Landon(3)

Landon(10) Jackson(4) Isaac(6)

Isaac(5) Landon(10)

Here are (most) everyone's views on why we home-school. 

Kate- Because we get to be with family and it's fun...most of the time.

Mom- I home-school because I want to spend lots of time with my kids. Nobody
 knows my kids better than I do, and I want to be able to impart our
 values throughout the day.

Isaac- Cause it's easier. Um...and Mom and Dad
 didn't want us to go to public school.

Ally- To keep more focus on God during our growing up years.

Me- So that we don't get caught up in some things public schools teach,
 and to teach us something they don't, the most important
 subject- the love of our Savior!

Landon- Because we're taught the truth.

Glynne- Um...You're not around bad influences all day.

Dad- I didn't want to turn over my kids to total strangers
 to mold and shape each of their personalities.

I hope this gave you a little insight to the impact homeschooling can
 have on a family. May you have wisdom and joy during this next semester!

..."I am young in years, and you are old; that is why I was fearful,
 not daring to tell you what I know. I thought, 'Age should speak; advanced years
 should teach wisdom.' But it is the spirit in a man, the breath of the Almighty,
 that gives him understanding. It is not only the old who are wise,
 not only the aged who understand what is right."

 Job 32:6-9

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