Monday, January 13, 2014


Glynne and Kyle's proposal pictures are finally here!
 Most of you probably already know that Glynne got engaged to Kyle a
 couple weeks ago (yay!) and they just got the pictures of it, so I can
 finally share the whole story, in detail, of how Kyle proposed.

Ally and I talked to Glynne quite a bit
 about her dream proposal. We'd been talking to Kyle trying
 to think of some ideas that would surprise her and would produce pretty pictures.
 Originally, Kyle was going to propose sometime during the middle of January,
 but one night Ally and I were talking and we came up with the idea for
 him to propose at the Isle of Lights. The only problem was that
 it was the 20th of December at 10:00 at night and the
 Isle of Lights closed after Christmas. 

We talked to Kyle the next day and were 
surprised when he suggested that we go the to the Isle of Lights
the next night. Then, all we had left was to come up
 with a plan of action... and wait.

How it went...

Drew was talking about maybe going to see if we all wanted to go to the
 Isle of Lights that night. That sounded like fun, so we all hopped in Kyle's truck and headed
 to the park. There was a small mix-up when we weren't sure which "entrance" the secret
 photographer (that was one thing Glynne told us she really wanted there when he
 asked) was hiding. Kyle was trying to text the photographer without Glynne
 seeing what he was saying. She kept getting frustrated with him
 until he told her he was texting someone about a "car" for her. 

After we drove through the lights and Kyle figured out which entrance the
 photographer was at, I asked if we could get out to take a group picture for the blog.
 We all got out and I pretended to take a couple pictures (I was really videotaping).
Then Kyle grabbed Glynne and asked if they could take
 a few pictures of just them.

After a second he got down on one knee, read her a letter he wrote,
 and asked her to marry him. She said she was so surprised she thought that he
 was kidding until he popped the question.

Wiping tears from her face she said YES!

Kyle was so nervous he dropped the ring in the snow, whoops!


When we got home all of our closest friends and family
 were there to congratulate the newly engaged couple, complete with a 
CONGRATULATIONS! sign that Mom and Kate made while we were gone.
Now all that's left to do is to finish planning the wedding and get their house ready! 

He is the image of the invisible God, the first born over all creation.
 For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and
 invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities: all things were 
created by him and for him. He is before all things,
 and in him all things hold together.

Colossians 1:15-17

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