Sunday, October 28, 2012


     A month or so ago, someone from Southwestern College contacted our dance teacher and asked for our funk teams to perform for their first basketball halftime. Unfortunately, we weren't going to have time to perfect a routine, so we decided to do Thriller since it's so close to Halloween! Most of us already knew the dance because we do it for fun almost every year. We joined together our two funk teams and some extra people from our jazz classes and had a blast working it out. 
     Our good friends (you've seen them in many blog posts before), the Gardners, came over to rip apart our clothes for costumes.  

Emma thought we were doing a zombie look... I didn't get the memo. 

Mom bought us candy to eat while costume-making. Annelise's candy had 6 wrappers on one candy! I had to take a picture. 

This is how we show affection. We love to crush each other. 

Annelise was going for a super-girly, babydoll zombie. I love the bow. 

Katie wanted some bloody handprints on her shirt. Kate volunteered to help her out. 

It looked great! 

We made our costumes a week before performing, so now it's time to look at the pictures from the next weekend! 

Zombie make-up time! 

We all had so much fun doing this. We love looking creepy. 

And there you go! Real life zombies. Well, close enough, right? 

Performing the dance went pretty well. We all remembered the steps to the 7 minute dance, which is great! But... I forgot how sticky the gym floor is and almost fell on my face... and I was right in the front. Yeah. It's alright though. I just barely caught myself. 
A friend video taped the whole thing, so if they put it on YouTube I'll put a link up! 

Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I have the exact shirt that Katie has!!! Crazy stuff..... Miss all you guys! Really really enjoy reading your blog. :)
