Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall Pinterest Party

    If you are an avid reader of this blog (or just someone who reads it whenever I annoyingly share it on facebook...), you've probably read about our first Pinterest Party with the Nuszs - Pinterest Party #1. We had so much fun that we decided we had to have another one. This time, we wanted to make it a food testing Pinterest Party. And not just regular food. No. The best kind of food. Fall food! That means pumpkin flavored things. Yum. 

 We chose the recipes that we wanted to try and got to work. 

Image from Pinterest 

The first recipe on our list was cauliflower bread. Instead of using flour, you put cauliflower in a food processor - a process called "ricing" - and use it as flour. 
We were pretty bad at following the instructions... and we had to multiply the whole recipe 8 times so it would make enough. It wasn't quite as crispy looking as it should have been, but we all thought it tasted pretty good. 

 Next, I wanted to try pumpkin cinnamon rolls. 

Image from Pinterest. 

I was a little scared after I read the recipe because it sounded like something that could easily be screwed up. 

The recipe called for "foamed yeast". I've never foamed yeast before so I was pleasantly shocked when it actually worked. 

And there's our pumpkin roll! At this point it didn't look very pretty, so I was positive we just wasted all of those ingredients. Despite my discouragement, we powered through. 

This was the first pan that we cut. I know it doesn't look pretty here, but I promise you that our second pan looked very impressive! Ally just didn't get a picture of our nice looking one. 

While Emma and I were working on our cinnamon rolls, Danae was making pumpkin pull-apart bread and pumpkin cupcakes. 

Image from Pinterest

Image from Pinterest 

They had doubts about the successfulness of their attempt at first...

But look how gorgeous it turned out! It looks amazing. 

As you can see, we didn't even get a picture before most of the cupcakes were gone. 
Baking made us hungry. 

Courtney and Jessica teamed up and picked this recipe... 

Image from Pinterest

Unfortunately, some ingredients got left out, and we ran out of butter, so we tried substituting with oil. It didn't turn out well. 

For being our only "failure", it was delicious! When it cooled down, it became more fudgy and less soupy. All we had to do was put some ice cream on top and it was gone within 20 minutes. 

We took a break from baking (and eating) to watch some movies and paint our nails. While this was happening, our creations were in the oven. 

Emma and I finished up our cinnamon rolls at...

Yeah... It was rather late.  We ended up not even really using a recipe for the icing. 

After staying up and watching movies until 2, we fell asleep. 


The next morning we woke up, and ate leftover cinnamon rolls and bread for breakfast.
I thought the cinnamon rolls were delicious! Ally said they had a weird texture, but she didn't even help so her opinion doesn't matter. 
Just kidding! 
It counts. 
But only partially. 

We are already making plans for a Christmas Pinterest party! 
Hopefully, it will include more food... 
I like food. 

Have a great week! 

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