Monday, October 15, 2012

GEM Photography

     About two years ago, I started to consider photography as my future job. I love it, which is the most important thing, but it would also provide a flexible schedule. That's a huge thing for me. I want my family to come first and my career second. 
    Anyway... when I started to get some photography jobs, Mom decided I should have a name for my "business." I thought it was jumping the gun a bit since I had only done a couple shoots and they were mostly for fun... but she thought it would make it professional sounding. In the end, we agreed upon GEM Photography. It stands for Glynne - Emma - Mom. Yeah. That was Mom's idea. Apparently, Emma and Mom are my assistants. Mom does assist occasionally when I do bigger shoots, and Emma sometimes holds my reflector. I guess that's enough to get your initial in the business name.  
     One of Ally's and my favorite things to do when we have an hour or two free, is to go and scope out some new sights for photos. I'm teaching her to use the settings on my camera so we both get a chance to model. It's so fun! We end up with way more goofy pictures than good ones... but that's ok. We love it! 

If you would like to see more of my photoshoots go to GEM Photography and check them out! 

Don't forget to "like" my page! 

1 comment:

  1. I think you have a great eye. They are all very nice and it's a good thing you have such pretty subjects! I don't have FB... so, I wanted to leave a comment! Diana
