Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Bonus Room - Part 3 of 3

The finished product! I'm finally writing the last section to this blog which means the end of my English assignment! Yay! Although this has been sorta fun...
(don't tell Mom!)


The balloons on the ceiling are the solar system Glynne and Landon made for their astronomy class.

My desk!


Mom saw this mouse hole on Pinterest and wanted me to paint it for her for Mother's Day.
One of the kids actually thought it was real!


Awww. They're so cute.


My Grandma Candy found this canvas at a garage sale for me to paint.

The little kids do their school in the bonus room,
 while we girls get a nice quiet house in which to do ours.


Well, that's the end of this series. I will turn the blog back over to Glynne! 

Have a great day! 

- Ally 

*Note from Glynne: Don't worry, Ally. I'm sure I will find some way for you to continue writing on the blog! ;) 


  1. What a lovely room! My favorite part is the mouse house!!

    Diana M

    PS: Thank you girls for babysitting the other night for us. Thatcher had so much fun. He kept saying "owyee" the next day. I believe that was suppose to be "Ally"

    1. Awww! That is so sweet. Ally and Emma came home going on and on about how cute Thatcher was. :)
