Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Emma's Room - Part 2

I am so happy with how my room turned out.
  It was a lot of work but it was totally worth it.  
So, here is the finished project.



 Picking out the fabric for the pillows was way harder than I thought it was going to be.  Apparently everybody likes yellow and grey fabric so there wasn't a huge selection from which to choose.  But we came up with a solution by using cloth napkins instead. It was kinda funny. But hey, it works. 

This is my favorite part of my room.  I don't know why.  It just makes me happy.

Mom and Ally found a really ugly painting at Goodwill for $10 and I painted over it.
Then I hand cut every one of the letter stencils.  It took FOREVER.

I still haven't put pictures in my frames.  Ally and I need to take Landon,  Kate, Isaac, and Jackson on a photo shoot because I couldn't find any recent pictures of them that I liked.  But that probably won't happen anytime soon.  I can't wait until my room is completely done and hopefully is won't take that long to finish.


  1. VERY cute! Good job! Julie did a great job on the stencils.... and while talking on the phone! Moms sure know how to multi-task!

    Diana Myers

  2. Love the room! Very cute!
