Monday, October 8, 2012

Boys Will Be Boys... Sometimes

   Today, I asked Mom for a good blog idea since I hadn't done anything interesting for awhile. She said I should do a blog on Jonah's various beds around the house. Yeah. And how his screaming at night affects me. Since I just sleep through it, it doesn't affect me.  The only way it does affect my life is when Mom is sleepy and grouchy the next day. (I'm not blaming her - just stating the facts.) We decided a whole blog on that subject wouldn't be that great. 
    Next, she came up with a blog idea about the boys. Landon's been working on a ramp for his mini dirt-bike for a couple days, so I decided to go out and have a little motor-cross photoshoot. 

Jackson and Isaac are like his little pit-crew. 

Jack is so cute. Even with remnants of his breakfast on his face. 

Oliver found it entertaining to stand in the way of Landon's course. Very similar to his habit of going to the cross country meets right by our house and standing in the middle of the path - forcing runners to run around him. Embarrassing
He also pees on their buses. 
We like to pretend he isn't our dog sometimes. 

In contrast to the ruggedly cool motorcycle photos, I wanted to post another side of my bros. 

Their fierce Just Dance moves.  

As I have mentioned in my previous post, we became infatuated with this game during the summer. 
Contrary to popular belief, this game is the most popular among the males of the family. I often find Landon and Isaac "working it" during the school day. 
Hey, it counts for PE, right? Right? 
Well, it should. 
That game really makes you work up a sweat. 

Anyway, I just thought these pictures were extra adorable because of their matching outfits. 
I love it. 

Have an awesome week! 

1 comment:

  1. That is hilarious about Oliver! I don't blame you for not claiming ownership over him sometimes. And the just dance pictures...Adorable!! I mean, uh...Landon and Issac are so manly.
