Saturday, March 15, 2014

A Day at the Lake

To start off our Spring Break the right way, we headed out to the
 Winfield Lake for some "volleyball", Frisbee, and hot-dogs. 

Glynne and I built an epic fire.

After the hot-dogs, we all made banana-boats, and for all the people missing out,
 banana-boats are when you cut open a banana, stuff it with chocolate chips, peanut butter
 chips, marshmallows, and pretty much anything in the candy aisle then cover it in tinfoil
 and lay it in the coals to let it melt. Seriously, they're like, amazing.

When it started to get chilly, we warmed up with a game of Frisbee. We ended
 up trying to show Kate how to catch it (and throw it). She should stick to dancing :).

After it got dark, we migrated to one of the lights to play shadow tag. 

When we got bored of that, we decided to freak some people out and
 pretend we were in a cult, but then Glynne got scared so we stopped. To finish off our first
 day of Spring Break, we played a few games of Sharks and Minnows (at Jack's request) then
 headed home. I am so excited that the weather is finally warming up! Yesterday we deep-
cleaned our garage for an hour and a half and it was so nice to be able to
 wear shorts without freezing! Yay!

Come to me, all who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest.
 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart,
 and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy,
 and my burden is light.

Matthew 11:28-30

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