Thursday, March 13, 2014


I know, it's been a long time since I've posted. I haven't been very motivated lately,
 so if anybody has any blog ideas for me that would be awesome! OK, well, I took Jenna
 on a little walk yesterday since it was super nice outside and took a few
 pictures. I love warm weather!

Three days ago it was snowing, and I mean really 
snowing. Kansas weather is definitely interesting.

She's getting so big! I feel like Jonah took a lot longer to learn how to do stuff,
 but I guess that's because I was trying to savor every minute of his baby time, convinced
 he was going to be the last one. I, personally, think Mom needs to go for number 10. I
 mean, one more kid in our house isn't going to make that much difference.

She's a thumb sucker! Ally was the only other one, but she stopped
 after Glynne told her if she kept sucking it her thumb would turn blue and
 fall off... I don't quite think Ally has forgiven her for that yet.

I realize now that the last blog I wrote was Jenna's three month pictures... 
I really need to get more creative. So... if you have any ideas or anything you
 are just curious to know about our merry family I'd really appreciate
 your suggestions! Thanks!

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green
 pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul.

Psalm 23:1-3


  1. Love seeing the family progress! You're a very good communicator! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Everyone LOVES to see pictures! Does your family have a Spring Break from schooling? Maybe you could do something on that next week. Or maybe we should make you girls another bucket list...... one to do before Glynne gets married and leaves the nest! I think you are doing a great job!

  3. Thanks, this will be very helpful! A bucket list would be fun, although, we would probably have to shorten it to maybe around ten things... And yes, we do get Spring Break, thank goodness.:)
