Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Crazy Goodness!

Our Spring Break so far has been pretty amazing considering Mom made out a work schedule for this week, which consists of cleaning the garage, making a big Goodwill drop-off, getting lots of stuff done for the wedding, and yard work, which we do tomorrow.

Recently I have been looking for fabric for a quilt that my amazing grandma is making for my new room- I get to move to Glynne's room after the wedding!- and I found this dress-thing at Goodwill and thought it would be really cool to add some texture!

A few days ago, the kids were bored so Mom decided to play hot potato...

With an actual potato...

A hot potato.

Jonah thought it was awesome.

At first Dad wasn't sure how he felt about a sweet potato being thrown around in the house.

Until he was the one throwing it.

You just wait, Jenna...

Yep, things just got way more fun.

I remember when Mom and Dad used to swing us girls. I can't believe we were ever that little.

Earlier today, Jonah came upstairs yelling, "Date, date, (Kate, Kate) skurt, skurt!" 

I can't wait to see his face when he sees this fifteen years from now...

While this is going on, Mom and I are in the kitchen cleaning and making dinner, Jenna is being adorable, and the boys are riding their dirt-bikes outside.  

Landon has been working on his wheelies for awhile now and he's getting pretty good at it. Even Isaac can do a small one. My little bros are grow'n up.:( 

Don't worry, he drives wheelie free with Jonah!
I remind him to be careful every chance I get.

To make the day even better, God blessed it with a (double) rainbow!
He is sooo amazing!

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.

Genesis 9:13

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