Sunday, March 2, 2014

To the Capitol!

This weekend we took a field trip to the Kansas State
 Capitol to support Ally in an art competition.

We left on Friday at 1:00 p.m. and drove to a hotel in Topeka where we met up
 with our really good friends whom we only ever manage to see
 once every two years, which was super fun. 

 On Saturday we found our way to our other good friend's apartment, Katie, who is
 in nursing school in Topeka, and stole her away to join us at the Capitol.

Jack was super excited when he found a "Jackson" street.

We made it! Interesting fact: All the stone used in the building of the
 Kansas State Capitol was from Cowley County! Out of all 105 counties!
 I feel prreeetty special now...

I asked her to model for me.

 Yeah... it's a good thing she's getting a business degree.

Jonah wasn't feeling very well. Poor guy.

The inside was amazing!

Alright, back to the real reason we were there. Ally. 

Ally had four pieces of her artwork displayed. 

Kate's Halloween costume was the inspiration for this one. It's gorgeous.

I think I caught him at a bad moment... other than that
 I don't think they've changed a bit! Well, except Mom's hair
 looks better and most of Dad's hair transferred to his face.

Ally got beat by a sculpture (below). I think they need new judges.

I guess it's good, I just don't understand
 the appeal of a mechanical hand...

This is Vincent YAM Gogh.

And mini Vincent.

Ally was one of two students who won a $500 scholarship!
 She also got a big box of pencils... seriously, there were like 150 pencils.

 Then she got asked to do an interview. I felt like
 I was related to a celebrity or something!

On our way back home, we stopped to get cupcakes! They were amazing.

The roads were pretty slick on the way home; we could barely see
 out the windows. We even saw a car that had rolled off the road. After
 that Mom was paranoid the rest of the way home.

But we made it and it feels great to be back home.

For physical training is of some value, but Godliness is value for all things,
 holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

1 Timothy 4:8

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