Monday, March 17, 2014

Think'n Out Loud

I am writing this blog today because I've been thinking a lot lately and have finally come to a couple conclusions. First, I just want to say that homeschooling is not nearly as easy as most people make it out to be. In high school, you are (pretty much) your own teacher, which means you have to have tons of willpower to get things done. Secondly, we are all each other's friends but that doesn't mean we don't want to kill each other sometimes. I would say that my best friends are my family; they are the ones I want to spend the most time with, but we also live together. We fight. And not just the "eye-roll" kind of fights. One time I went without talking to Mom for almost two days! You're probably thinking that that's not a very long time but it's pretty much forever when she's your teacher and no one else is in your class... We struggle. Every. Single. keep it together. So if you're thinking about homeschooling, don't let me scare you off. It is so rewarding and I am so grateful that my parents were willing to give me the best possible chance of succeeding at a relationship with God, at any job I might have in the future, at being a good wife, at showing others what God can do in their lives. Someday I hope to give all of this to the future kids that God will entrust to me, so that I might be able to help guide them in anyway that I can in the short amount of time I will have with them, so that they will have the very best chance to make the right decisions for their lives. I just hope that it's enough. When I'm in a bad mood, I have to constantly remind myself that I could have been stuck with people that drove me crazy all day and how awesome it is that I get to be around the people that care about me the most, and I also get to hug and kiss Jonah whenever I want. I can't even count how many times I have been so incredibly happy that God chose to put me, ME, right here, in the middle of Kansas, with four sisters and four brothers, right where I am. Thank you, God!

-then I saw all that God has done. No one can comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise man claims he knows it, he cannot really comprehend it.

Ecclesiastes 8:17 

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