Saturday, May 4, 2013

Oh Jonah!

Hi! This is Julie with a quick update.  I haven't posted anything on the blog for a LONG time - it's good to be back. 
This afternoon with just one child at home, I thought I would be getting lots done around here...but no.  Here's how one little boy has dominated my life today - in a sweet way - of course!
How did I not notice what he was doing? I must have been in my own little world!

Oh, that's right.  I was so disgusted by what I saw in the trash can that I immediately had to clean out the growing masses of mold in the bottom.

He's done with the flour and onto bowling with cups from the sippy cup drawer.

I have learned in my years as a mother to just grab the camera when I feel like crying! :)
So that's what I did.
Have a great weekend!!


  1. Oh, my! Glad you could grab the camera instead of crying! That's a good lesson for all of us, because someday (maybe) you'll look back and laugh! :)

    1. So true! These types of pictures are some of my all time favorites. Thing is - I'm getting quite a collection of them!
