Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bucket List #23

It is time for the next summer bucket list  post! On Mother's Day, we tackled #23 (choose an outfit from a magazine/pinterest and recreate it from Goodwill). Don't worry... we made sure it was alright with our mom. In fact, she wanted to come along! 

This is the outfit Emma picked. 

Here's my choice. 

And last, but not least, this is Ally's. 

With a little help from Mom and Aunt Lauren, we began the long and arduous search. 


Anyway... We ended up finding some good pieces. With a little work, we knew we could turn them into the look we were going for. 

Here's what I found. Not totally awful... But not great either. Mine obviously needs help. 

Emma's wasn't too far off from the original, but some fitting changes had to be made! 

Ally mainly had to cut her shirt into a vest and then accessorize.

First things first. I cut off the sleeves and the collar of my shirt. Then I quickly sewed a seam along the edges to prevent too much fraying, and began to distress my new vest. 

Emma's t-shirt is supposed to be oversized... but not so much that the sleeves won't fit under the red shirt. We decided to turn it into a loose tank and also cut some length off of the bottom. 

The shorts on her inspiration outfit were super frayed at the bottom. Unfortunately, the shorts she picked out didn't fray easily at all. Oh, well. Go with the flow. 

My vest was really dull and boring after I distressed it. It just need a little something more. The original vest had some whitish splotches on it, and I've been dying to try some bleaching techniques. 
Funny story - we didn't have bleach so I tried squirting some bleach bath cleaning stuff on it. That was a failure. Accepting my defeat, I went to the store and bought actual bleach. 

It worked so much better! My vest was bleached and looked awesome! 
And part of Jonah's shirt by accident... Whoopsie. 

Ally also distressed her shirt after cutting the sleeves off to make a vest. It was way too big around the middle, so I quickly took it in about an inch. 

It took us several hours to complete our looks. We had a blast! Our outfits turned out pretty great if I do say so myself. You may see us wearing them around. 

Pretty cute, huh?! This was such a fun one. 

 Thanks for reading and let us know what you think in the comments! 


  1. Love it!!! Good job, girls!!!! Love, Billie

  2. Awesome!! You girls look WAY more hip than those pinterest chicks!!

    Diana M

  3. wow goodwill gave you that look wow
