Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pranks and Art Galleries

Ally has been getting a LOT of recognition for her art work. She's won multiple awards, including a gold key for a charcoal landscape which was then sent on to a national competition. She's really amazing. And to top it all off, she has some of her pieces in the local gallery as artist of the month! We organized a reception for her on Sunday, May 5th to celebrate her accomplishments. 

This is Ally and her teacher Mrs. Lynn Felts who has helped Ally immensely with her artwork since she started classes at the high school two years ago. Notice my beautiful cookies! I slaved over those babies for several hours... I hate making cookies. 

The art she decided to display was based on her family collection. 

Everyone loved it! 

We had so many people show up during the 2 hour reception. I couldn't get over how proud I was of her! 

More of her artwork was displayed in the hallway. 

Jace admired the wall very much. 

Emma dislikes events like this... so she hid in the back and ate cookies. Smart girl. 


Some of the artwork we didn't really "get." But it looked cool! I would put that in my house. 

Overall, the cookies were delicious and the art was amazing. How much better could it get? 

The next day, we pulled a prank on Kyle, a friend of ours. 
He sometimes leaves his truck in a parking lot while he's at work, which is way too tempting for us. 
We had been talking about a previous prank he had pulled on a friend in which he had taken a nasty couch and left it in the bed of his friend's truck. Ally decided we should pull the same prank on him! 
So, we called up another friend, Drew, and had him help us load up the couch on our trailer.

That thing was gross. It had all sorts of bugs on the bottom and a couple unidentifiable stains on the cushions... It was almost perfect!

But, not quite gross enough. We ran into Walmart and grabbed some catfish stink bait. 

Now, it's perfect. 

We even left him a small peace offering of Juicy Fruit gum!

We were hot and sweaty when we finished, but satisfied with a job well done. 
Unfortunately, pranking isn't on our bucket list. How did we miss that one?! 

*UPDATE: I totally left you hanging on the prank! Here's what happened afterwards... 

Kyle came back from work and saw the chalk first. Then the couch. After laughing for several minutes, he drove by the clinic where my dad and I were working to show us the trick "someone" had pulled on him. I played along for a bit and pretended I didn't know who did it... Until he began to blame Drew. I couldn't hold it in after that. I confessed that Ally and I had been involved in the trick and then helped him dump the couch before his 4-H meeting. I consider it a success! 


  1. i love you guys!!! you make my heart happy!!!

  2. Awesome!! You girls look way more hip than those pinterest chicks!

    Diana M
