Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Jonah Turns 18 Months!

While I wait to collect all of Glynne's graduation pictures from different sources, I decided to throw in another quick blog on Jonah.  Tomorrow he turns 18 months.  He is such a crack-up.  Emma took these pictures a few days ago while he was in such a good mood.  Animals are so interesting to him.  He loves petting our cats and you can tell they love it too! ;)



         Ally just brought home her new kitten, Lacey.  Jonah loves to pet her too.  It appears Lacey isn't too sure about her new family!

Later that day, Jonah and I (Julie) were hanging out just waiting for Dad to come home.  He was making truck noises.  He doesn't say much except Emmmmaaa, Momma, Dada, and shakes his head for no, but he can make the best truck sounds.  Oh yeah, he grunts...and smiles when he means yes.

                                           Oh wait, I hear something.  Yay.  Dad's home!!

                                                                    You love your dad!

Back to your truck.

I must add that you give the best kisses.  You get this look in your eyes and I can tell exactly what you're going to do.  (For the record, they are with an open mouth and very wet!)  We love you so much Jonah Boy!

1 comment:

  1. He is sooo precious! I love all those sweet toddler moments!

