Tuesday, April 23, 2013


We have officially checked off #35 on our summer bucket list! Just in case you haven't memorized our list - which we are expecting you all to do - #35 is braiding flower crowns. This one is kinda sentimental for us because we did this all the time when we were kids. When we were younger, Ally, Emma, and I would get so upset because we didn't understand why our grandpa was mowing down all the beautiful purple flowers in his backyard! Years later, when the magic faded, we realized that they are, in fact, weeds. I still maintain that they are exceptionally pretty weeds nonetheless.

We began our search for the magical purple weed/flowers. It didn't take us long to find a giant patch of them in a local park.

As you can tell from the picture, they climbed a tree. This would count as #15 (climb trees), but we didn't climb more than one (trees), and I did not climb a single one. So, that's still on the list. 

Try to ignore the big blue blur... I was having some visual problems... 

Look at us in our magical purple flower/weed crowns! This is sisterly bonding if I've ever seen it. 

Thanks for reading! Keep track of our bucket list by clicking this link - Summer 2013 Bucket List


  1. That's so sweet. It makes up for the times you all aren't so sweet! :) I love you guys.
