Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Our First Homeschool Graduate!

We did it!  We held Glynne's graduation ceremony/dinner on the evening of May 18th.  To be honest, I had been dreading this night for months - actually years.  (On one occasion, when Glynne was two years old, I actually teared up talking about her high school graduation with Bryan - yyyep.)  With that said, I started watching the video we had made of her about a week before, so I wouldn't just break down and sob in front of everyone.

It worked.  That night we ate dinner and called the kids (from youngest to oldest) to promote them to the next grade.  

At last, it was Glynne's turn.  First we watched her video, then we brought her up to the front where Bryan and I helped her don her cap and gown (garage sale find $2.75).  Her dad spoke about how proud he was of her and how much God had blessed us. I reminisced about all the school we had done together, the adventures we had gone on through read-aloud books, and the costumes we had made with dear friends to represent different time periods we had studied.  The mantle was lined with many books she had completed over the course of her education.  I ended with the point that even though she had covered massive amounts of material, it was just the tip of the iceberg.  That receiving her diploma isn't the end of her educational journey, but really just the beginning.  With that, we presented her with her high school diploma!


Then it was time for us to sit down and for Glynne to do the talking.  She read through lots of  "words of wisdom" cards on which everyone had written serious life advice.  Actually, some were serious such as Landon's that said ...share Christ whenever you get a chance.  Others provided great comical relief  - Never pet a burning dog.  And Jackson's (our 5 year old) just cracked me up - Try not to lose your keys. So true.

To wrap things up, my dad and Bryan's dad prayed for Glynne.  They prayed about her future and thanked God for her life.  It was a perfect way to end our first homeschool graduation!! 


  1. It doesn't seem possible! Seems like she should still be that little 5 year old in VBS or riding the golf cart through her neighborhood or dancing to the sing along songs at dance! Congratulations Glynne! You have grown into a beautiful young lady!

  2. Awww... That made ME a little teary! Why do they have to grow up so fast?! The party pics look amazing! Congratulations Glynne!!

    Diana M

  3. Congratulations, Glynne!!! So thrilled for you!!! We love and pray the Lord's abundant blessings for your future.
