Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Bonus Room - Part 2 of 3

This is the picture in the magazine where we got all our inspiration. 

We got almost everything at my mom's favorite store, Ikea! One weekend we just decided to take a couple days to drive to Texas and get what we needed. You need a couple days in that store, it's huge!

You could actually see Ikea from our hotel window! 

Needless to say, at the end of the day, our van was packed!!

We found lots of things to spray paint lime green at various Goodwills.  

We wanted the room to look kind of industrial. Lots of metal and wood.

I'm "Old-Englishing" a trunk, and yes, in my robe.

We got this chair especially for my dad, so he could come up here to relax. 
I think he still likes relaxing on his deck better!

Next time I will show you how it all came together!

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