Friday, September 28, 2012

Pinterest Party

      A couple of weeks ago, some good friends of ours, the Nuszs, came over to our house to hang out. To make it even more fun, we decided to turn it into a pinterest testing party! We chose some of the most popular pins and tested them out. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time. The crafting started at about 9:00 p.m.. We had to postpone some of the ideas we had until our next pinterest party!

The first pin we attempted were these adorable headbands made out of t-shirts. 
The pin we were following used a baby for the model... so ours were disproportionate to our heads. Don't worry! We fixed it. 

Image from Pinterest 

Pretty cute, right? The only one who could figure out how to tie the knot was Emma. We tried to do it ourselves, but it was just too confusing. 

Image from Pinterest

Next we tried this super cool hand drawing thing I had seen. 

And it actually worked! I was so excited. 

Emma was having a bit of trouble with her lines not matching up... She should probably stick to tying knots. 

Just kidding! 

But, seriously, how cool is this?!? SO COOL! 

Danae has made a bunch of shoebox lid art (see picture below) for her dorm room. Sadly, we could only find 1 shoebox lid at our house...

Image from Pinterest 

But it turned out great!
 I love the glitter. Glitter is awesome. 

The next pin on our testing list was hair chalking. 

Image from Pinterest 

Luckily, we had the right type of pastel chalk you're supposed to use! Crazy. I know. 

This pin definitely worked better on the blonds. The rest of us had a little trouble getting the color to show up.  Plus, it got our hands all icky. I don't think is one we'll be trying again anytime soon. 

After we finished the hair chalking, we went back upstairs and talked for a few hours before heading to bed. We also made plans for our next pin testing party! We're going to try some of the delicious looking fall food ideas that have been pinned like crazy. Yum. 

Have a great weekend!


  1. Cool! I love Pinterest and Pinstrosity... the ones that didn't work. I'm enjoying the blogs on the rooms.... those are projects I love as well. I like to see how others decorate. Congrats on the 50th blog!!! You are doing a great job.... very fun to read! Diana M

    1. I read Pinstrosity all the time! So much fun. Thank you for reading! I'm glad you like it. :)
