Sunday, September 16, 2012

Mt. Rushmore - Part 3

Next stop on our adventure was Silvan Lake!

This place was absolutely gorgeous. I mean, wow. 

We climbed lots and lots of rocks. 

The kids found a waterfall in this crevice. They were so excited. 

Gansta' Isaac. Super cool. He thinks. 

I think, by now, if you have read most of my blogs, you know that it would be impossible for me to be somewhere as beautiful as South Dakota and not do a photoshoot! 

Can you say supermodel? Stunning. 

I absolutely adore this photo. And this little boy! 

Kate seemed to turn into a beautiful young girl overnight! What happened to the clumsy little sister that could barely walk without tripping over her feet? 

Ally's always so gorgeous. Ugh. Jealous. 

"Sisters, sisters, never were there such devoted sisters!" 

Ally's birthday was on the last day of our trip, and we were planning on driving 8 hours that day. Not exactly a fun 16th birthday party. So... we threw her a party in the cabin a few days before we left! 

As you can tell, we forgot candles, so Mom and Emma improvised! 

Ally's birthday present this year was something she's been wanting for a very long time. 
An iPod touch! 

Then it was time to pack up and head home. I felt so sad to go! It was a great vacation. 

I think I'll remember this trip for a REALLY long time. 

We had one last stop before heading home though. 

This drugstore is apparently super famous... I'd never heard of it before. 

It turned out to be fun. A great last stop to make at the end of our adventure. 

Before heading out, Jack got a talking to. He was getting tired of spending time in the van, which resulted in lots, and lots, and lots of whining. 

Jonah was pretty good... most of the time. 

Overall, this was for sure the best vacation I can remember! I know all of us will remember it for a long time. Mom and Dad kept making it sad by saying that it's probably one of the last trips we'll make as a family. I know it's true, but it's still weird to think about. But, hey, we still have my senior trip! I'm so excited for that one. 

 Mom has told Ally and Emma that some of their English assignments will be writing some blogs. I'm looking forward to seeing what they choose to write about and I hope you are too! 

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