Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mt. Rushmore - Part 2

     We spent a few days at the cabin just relaxing, and then we decided it was about time to go see Mt. Rushmore. 

It was so exciting to walk up the path and see it getting closer and closer. 
Isaac wasn't really happy with anything at that point. 

The only disappointing part was that we thought we'd be able to get a lot closer than we did. If you can see the line of trees where the light is hitting - right under the rock slide - that's as close as we got.

It usually takes Mom and Dad (mostly Dad) a long time to get through stuff like this. The younger kids were getting antsy, so Emma and I walked them through the path and then waited at the end. 

These are the models of the sculpture he used to measure the scale for the mountain. It was pretty neat to see. 

Jonah got bored. We were trying to keep him entertained by letting him attack Landon's head. 

After walking the path, and looking at the studio, we took a break to head back to the parking lot and eat dinner. On the concrete. On a parking lot floor. 
You know, some people would say this is unsanitary.
We just say it's making memories. 

After dinner, we headed back to the theater area to watch a show they put on every night during the summer. 

The coolest part was when they invited servicemen onto the stage to help take down the flag. The heads were lit up and it was a really neat moment. 
When the show ended, we were exhausted. Mentally and physically. We crashed as soon as we got back to the cabin.

The next day, we went over to visit the lady who rented us the cabin. She had an amazing garden. I am not a garden type of person, so when I say it's amazing, it really must be amazing. 

I think this was the first time I'd ever actually seen a cabbage plant. I don't know what I had pictured in my head... but this was not it. It was like a giant flower. 

While we were there, she suggested that we visit a mammoth museum/dig. 

Mom had seen some thrift stores she wanted to visit in the town where the museum was, so we dropped off Dad and the little kids at the museum while Mom, Ally, Emma, and I headed back into town. Unfortunately, the store was awful. And sort of creepy. Pretty soon we decided to just go back to the museum. 

I think this was my favorite part. The kid museum. 
Don't judge. It was fun. 

This picture is in the running for my favorite picture of the whole trip. If you can't tell, this is a dried elephant ear. Gross. But cool. 

Good grief. I have so much to put on the blog that it may take me 4 posts to get it all said! I think this one's long enough for now... so I'll put up the rest of that day soon! 

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