Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Emma's Room - Part 1

Hey everyone! It's Emma again. I just recently (by recently I mean about 3 months ago) redecorated my room. When we first moved into our house, I was 11 and really didn't care what my room looked like, so Mom ended up picking everything out. But it's been 3 years since we moved and the cottage style room did not fit my personality. So Mom gave me a budget, and I convinced Ally to help me decide how to decorate it. And that's how it started. 

I forgot to get a picture of the room before I started taking things out, 
but hopefully you get a picture in your head of what it looked like.

I had to beg Ally to help me paint, but after we turned
 on the music we actually had a lot of fun.

I had an idea to do a stencil on the back wall, so Ally an I found one on the internet
 and copied it on to stencil paper.

It took pretty much 3 days to finish it. Mom ended up stenciling the 
whole wall while I kept Jonah entertained. Love you Mom.

Still going...
and going

Finally done! Mom counted all the times she stenciled and it only took 200. :) 

Then it was time to go shopping and buy all different fabrics
 and picture frames for a collage on the wall.

 I'll finish posting the rest later.  I still need to finish one more thing - putting all the pictures in the frames then the room will be done.

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