Sunday, September 30, 2012

Football Season

     We love football season. There is something about watching your own brother/son play that makes it so much more fun. Landon is now one of the better players on his team, so that means he's getting a lot more play time than he did last year, which makes us so nervous for him! A couple weeks ago he got his first touchdown and we about had a freakout. Unfortunately, we couldn't cheer and scream as much as we wanted to because we were sitting on the other team's bleachers so we could see. We settled for screaming a little and then bouncing up and down on our seats like crazy people. 

Landon has his own giant cheering section for almost every game! 

Usually during games, all of us girls sit together and make comments about what they should have done in this play or that play. Because we know EVERYTHING about football. 
Not really. But we sure think we do. 

In order for us to really understand how difficult it is to play football, we decided it was time to break out the flag football equipment Mom bought a few months ago. 

Our neighbors, Noah and Damien, came over to help fill out our teams. 

I really got into the game and wiped out several times. In my defense, my tennis shoes had hardly any grip on the grass, so when I tried to stop my feet slid out from under me. 
I did make a touchdown of which I'm pretty proud. After catching the ball in the end zone, I turned around to stop from being tackled and ended up on the ground in modified splits. Awesome. 

Jonah had a ball watching us make fools of ourselves. 

Dad even joined in before heading to the hospital to make rounds. Needless to say, our plays worked out much better with him as quarterback. 

Overall, we had so much fun.  
As long as we make a conscious effort to not get too competitive, we should be ok. 

*Side note: THIS IS OUR 50th POST! Yay! 

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pinterest Party

      A couple of weeks ago, some good friends of ours, the Nuszs, came over to our house to hang out. To make it even more fun, we decided to turn it into a pinterest testing party! We chose some of the most popular pins and tested them out. Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time. The crafting started at about 9:00 p.m.. We had to postpone some of the ideas we had until our next pinterest party!

The first pin we attempted were these adorable headbands made out of t-shirts. 
The pin we were following used a baby for the model... so ours were disproportionate to our heads. Don't worry! We fixed it. 

Image from Pinterest 

Pretty cute, right? The only one who could figure out how to tie the knot was Emma. We tried to do it ourselves, but it was just too confusing. 

Image from Pinterest

Next we tried this super cool hand drawing thing I had seen. 

And it actually worked! I was so excited. 

Emma was having a bit of trouble with her lines not matching up... She should probably stick to tying knots. 

Just kidding! 

But, seriously, how cool is this?!? SO COOL! 

Danae has made a bunch of shoebox lid art (see picture below) for her dorm room. Sadly, we could only find 1 shoebox lid at our house...

Image from Pinterest 

But it turned out great!
 I love the glitter. Glitter is awesome. 

The next pin on our testing list was hair chalking. 

Image from Pinterest 

Luckily, we had the right type of pastel chalk you're supposed to use! Crazy. I know. 

This pin definitely worked better on the blonds. The rest of us had a little trouble getting the color to show up.  Plus, it got our hands all icky. I don't think is one we'll be trying again anytime soon. 

After we finished the hair chalking, we went back upstairs and talked for a few hours before heading to bed. We also made plans for our next pin testing party! We're going to try some of the delicious looking fall food ideas that have been pinned like crazy. Yum. 

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Emma's Room - Part 1

Hey everyone! It's Emma again. I just recently (by recently I mean about 3 months ago) redecorated my room. When we first moved into our house, I was 11 and really didn't care what my room looked like, so Mom ended up picking everything out. But it's been 3 years since we moved and the cottage style room did not fit my personality. So Mom gave me a budget, and I convinced Ally to help me decide how to decorate it. And that's how it started. 

I forgot to get a picture of the room before I started taking things out, 
but hopefully you get a picture in your head of what it looked like.

I had to beg Ally to help me paint, but after we turned
 on the music we actually had a lot of fun.

I had an idea to do a stencil on the back wall, so Ally an I found one on the internet
 and copied it on to stencil paper.

It took pretty much 3 days to finish it. Mom ended up stenciling the 
whole wall while I kept Jonah entertained. Love you Mom.

Still going...
and going

Finally done! Mom counted all the times she stenciled and it only took 200. :) 

Then it was time to go shopping and buy all different fabrics
 and picture frames for a collage on the wall.

 I'll finish posting the rest later.  I still need to finish one more thing - putting all the pictures in the frames then the room will be done.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Bonus Room - Part 2 of 3

This is the picture in the magazine where we got all our inspiration. 

We got almost everything at my mom's favorite store, Ikea! One weekend we just decided to take a couple days to drive to Texas and get what we needed. You need a couple days in that store, it's huge!

You could actually see Ikea from our hotel window! 

Needless to say, at the end of the day, our van was packed!!

We found lots of things to spray paint lime green at various Goodwills.  

We wanted the room to look kind of industrial. Lots of metal and wood.

I'm "Old-Englishing" a trunk, and yes, in my robe.

We got this chair especially for my dad, so he could come up here to relax. 
I think he still likes relaxing on his deck better!

Next time I will show you how it all came together!