Wednesday, August 8, 2012


     First off, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates lately. Things have been a bit hectic for a while and I just haven't found the time to sit down and write something. So, I'm going to squeeze two blogs worth into this one!
     August is our month of birthdays. Emma's is the 6th, Kate's the 8th (today), and Ally's the 29th. For Emma's birthday we invited some close friends and family over to eat and play some "classic" Davis birthday games.

We (Grandma Jeannie, Ally, Emma, and I) spent about 6 hours making this cake. There were several mistakes, but overall we liked how it turned out. 

Here I am playing one of the Davis birthday games. The goal of the game is to take the one pen from other players by rolling a six and write from 1 to 100 before someone steals the pen from you. It's a LOT harder than it sounds. 

Aww. This would have been a great picture if my dad was being serious and not acting like a goof. 
Anyway, Emma's party was great! We had one day of rest (not really) before preparing for Kate's day.

On the day between birthdays, Kate and I spent several more hours making these tutu cupcakes. The idea is from Pinterest. I love Pinterest. 

Ally, Emma, and I planned a girls' surprise day for Kate the morning of her birthday. We took her to meet Grandma Candy at a jewelry store to pick out a ring, and then went to get feather extensions in our hair. After that, we took her to eat out at Sonic. Mozzarella sticks. Yummy. Then we went shopping! It was a fun day. 

Once we came home, Kate had a friend over to play until dinner when the rest of the family came over to eat. 
Whew. It was fun, but I'm glad we'll have a break from birthdays for a few weeks...

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