Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Kayaking Adventure

     My dad has always wanted to take canoes or kayaks down the Arkansas River. On Saturday, he finally got his wish. Ally, Emma, Isaac, Jackson, and Dad took a 5 hour kayak ride on a 7 mile stretch of the river. I decided to stay at home for two reasons. The first reason was that my mom had a list of stuff for me to do, and I really wanted to deep clean my room. The second reason was that I just couldn't resist the draw of a nearly empty house. Landon also stayed home. He had a friend who had to sleep in an outdoor shelter for Boy Scouts. So, they slept in Landon's Air Soft fort. They say they only got one hour of sleep, and that might be true considering he crashed most of the next day. We figured it'd be ok to let him stay home this time.

There they go! How exciting. 

After I watched them go under the bridge, I hopped in the van and drove home. After 5 hours of waiting, I got the call. They had finally made it to the bridge. 
Here's Ally to tell you how the trip went: 

     I'm glad I went even though it took a lot longer than I expected. I didn't have any plans for the day, so why not kayak down the river for 5 hours? 
     Anyway, it was a hard trip. The river was so low that we kept getting stuck in the sand. We tried scooting through it, but sometimes it was so bad we had to stand up and walk. Oh, and there are gar in the river. They're scary 2 foot long fish that are supposed to have a long snout like an alligator. 
     Halfway through I was in despair. I kept hoping to see the bridge around every curve, but we still had about 2 hours to go. Ah! Finally, despite sore arms and aching legs we reached the bridge. And called for our ride. The end. 

I'm thinking we should wait until the river rises to try that again. Maybe next time I'll go with them. 
I hope you guys have a great day! 


  1. I am a new reader of this excellent blog! Keep us posted Glynne. It's an excellent way to keep up with the many escapades of the Davis clan :)!

    Mike Hubert

    1. Yay! I'm always thrilled to find out who actually reads this. We have plenty of funny/interesting things to share. :) It's never boring here!
