Friday, August 10, 2012

Right At This Moment

     I have received a request. A dedicated reader has asked that I post another Right At This Moment blog. You know who you are, and this is for you. :) 

     It is 11:15 in the morning, and several things are happening right at this moment in the Davis house. 

Emma is reading in her newly redecorated room. 
(I'm pretty sure we will be doing a blog about this project fairly soon.)

Mom and the younger kids are outside playing badminton...

...while Jonah watches on. He's unhappy about not being big enough to play. 

Badminton with tennis rackets. I know, I know. We're crazy. But, hey, it works. 

Mom gets into the game. Really into the game. 

Isaac's eating breakfast - Froot Loops - right out of the box. 

Landon's just chillin' before heading off to build some more on his Air Soft fort. 

Dad's busy walking around and inspecting the construction of the badminton net. Apparently, we weren't supposed to use the tent stakes... Oh, well. 

Ally was doing laundry... for about 5 minutes. Then she came downstairs to read her book. 

And lastly, I am writing this blog. Didn't see that one coming, did you? Didn't think so. 

Well, I hope this satisfies your desire for a Right At This Moment blog! 
If you have ideas or things you would like to see on the blog, comment or email me at 


  1. Love reading these!!

    1. Thanks! Glynne does a good job. I'm also going to be having Ally and Emma blogging from time to time for school credit. Then we'll hopefully have more posts. We'll see how that goes! :)
