Thursday, August 16, 2012

Mental Dates

This is Julie today!

Awhile back, Bryan was complaining that he couldn't keep dates straight in his head and was telling me how he basically lived in 15-20 minute increments.  During his day, he just concentrates on the next patient and doesn't really look at his whole day let alone his whole week.  When he needs to see what event comes next, he looks at his phone.  I was amazed.  I can't operate like that.  So, I went about telling him how I "see" dates in my head and tried to convert him to my way of thinking.

This is how I explained it.  I see two weeks at a time in my head.  The weekends are like bookends and the weekdays are in between.  I made a diagram to show the family.  They pretty much think I'm weird.  Oh well.  It works for me.  These dates represent August.  Right now, I am on the 16th and after tomorrow I will be in the red and then round the corner into Monday.  Magically, the days continue to change.  What's funny is if someone asks me about a date outside this two week frame, I just can't place it.

I do still use a calendar, but I really don't need to look at it every day because I see this in my mind.

                                I find stuff like this so interesting.  How do you see dates in your head?

Oh, and by the way, Bryan just doesn't think this will work for him. :) That's ok.  Maybe he'll convert to the way I see numbers in my head.  I'll share that some other time!!

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