Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Camp Quaker Haven

     I remember clearly my first year at Quaker Haven. The 3 years that I went were some of the best summers ever! It's insane to me that this morning I went with the rest of the family to drop off Landon and Kate. This is Kate's first year to go and Landon's last. How weird is that?! So weird. I cannot believe they are old enough to go. 
     The temperatures last year were pretty insane for Landon. Around 105 every single day. Ugh. This year is supposed to be the same! Last year they didn't have air conditioning, but this year they installed it in every cabin! Lucky kids. 

Here are some pictures of us moving them in. 

The view from the boys' side of the camp. Pretty neat, huh?

Aww. I'm going to miss him. 

     It won't be long before we're sending Jack off to camp! I'll be 21 by then. Wow. Crazy. 

Hope you all have a great week! 

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