Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What A Weekend!

     Our good friends, the Allen's, came to see us this weekend. They have six kids, and we met while David was in medical school with Bryan. He's a family practice physician in a small town near Topeka. Our kids always look forward to seeing their kids. In fact, it took Kate (8) and Annalysse (8) all of 40 seconds to reconnect. Don't you love friends like that? They didn't get to our house until around 9:00 that night, and we didn't waste any time catching up on things. We ended up staying awake until 1:30 talking. It was so great. David and Ange have lots on their plates! He is running, for the first time, for a house seat in the Kansas legislature. We saw his campaign signs, designed by his oldest son, Ross, and they look awesome. Here are some pictures of our time together!

Ian (Allen), Kate, Annalysse (Allen), and Jonah

Annalysse happened to celebrate her 8th birthday while she was visiting us! So, Ally and Emma dressed them up (in our old dance costumes and high heeled shoes) and took them out for a photoshoot. 

They absolutely loved wearing our shoes. I think they wore them almost continually while she was here! 

As another birthday surprise, we had a little craft time set up for them in our bonus room. 

David, Ange, and Annalysse right before she blew out her candles. 

Aidan with Jonah. How sweet! 
   Now, unfortunately, Ross couldn't come to visit because he had his college finals that week, and we didn't get any pictures taken of Zev... So, we will have to do better next time!

Have a great week! 

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