Monday, April 30, 2012


     This afternoon after I had finished (most of) my school, my mom came into my room to tell me about a blog idea she wanted me to post about. Apparently, she had noticed that Isaac and Jackson were being oddly quiet around the house. This usually means they aren't in it. We have discovered that when Isaac and Jack aren't in the house, it's a pretty good idea to start checking the multiple shallow ponds we have around our land. Sure enough. She found them. 

Notice the floating flip flops. 
     When she asked what they were doing, they replied, "Looking for tadpoles."
"Oh, I see." My mom said.
They responded, degradingly, "Mom... Do you even know what a tadpole is?"

     I'm not positive about whether or not they actually found any, but it sure looks like they were having fun! 

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