Monday, May 28, 2012

At the Beach

     Usually we love to spend a few days in the summer at our local lake. Unfortunately, this year our lake was closed down because of a potentially dangerous algae. But not to worry. Mom had the idea to turn our pond into a miniature lake complete with a private beach! Awesome. 

Ally actually smiled for this picture! Yay! 

We never have problems getting Kate to smile. 

Jonah enjoyed chilling out on Mom's lap and being carried into the pond by Emma. 

Haha! I think Isaac may have had a mouth full of food in this picture. 

I was trying to blow this up... but it had a hole. 

Happily, this one didn't! What a surprise. 

Jonah was so cute. All he did was play in the sand and suck on a plastic cup. Aw. Adorable. 

Emma turned Kate into a sand mermaid. I think the technical term is sandinas mermaidius. 

Dad and Landon had been mowing all day. They were miserably hot and covered in dirt, so they inflated our boat and joined us for a dip. This was quite an inventive way to get it down to the pond. I'm not sure how safe it was...

Doesn't our mom have some of the coolest ideas? I have a feeling our summer will include many days spent in this pond as long as it stays fairly cool. Oh, and pond parties too! Can't wait! 
I hope your summer is as awesome as ours is turning out to be. Have a great week!  

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