Saturday, March 3, 2012


     Hello. This is Julie (mom). I offered to write the blog today because I have something to write about. When I asked Bryan (my husband) what he thought about my choice of topic he stared at me, wrinkled his eyebrows and said, "Why? You think people care?"

Yes!! People... let me rephrase that... women... love a great bargain! 

     Yesterday, I had to take Landon (11 y/o) to a birthday party near Andover. So Ally (15 y/o), Jonah (3 mo.), and I made a quick stop (...2 1/2 hours) at my favorite store - GOODWILL. The following are just a few of the MUCH NEEDED, AWESOME, CAN'T LEAVE IT THERE items that made the cut. See? Isn't Bryan wrong?

These items are going to be spray painted red and put in Jonah's nursery.
4 picture frames and a rocking horse
Total cost: $6.99

Baby toy for Jonah who is awake a LOT more now. Much needed.
Total cost: $1.99

Miniature picnic basket and silver tray for Kate's Barbie house.
Total cost: $1.28

Shirt: Ann Taylor $3.99
Vest: Christopher Banks $2.99
Bag: (A bit of a splurge, but Ally made me get it...) $4.99   
There were lots of other things I could have shown you, but I figured five was enough. 
This quote perfectly sums up my feelings on bargains! 

"Buying something on sale is a very special feeling. In fact, the less I pay for something, the more it is worth to me. I have a dress that I paid so little for I'm afraid to wear it. I could spill something on it, and then how would I replace it for that amount of money?"
 - Rita Rudner 

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