Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My New Addiction

Pinterest. Just that word makes my heart start pounding with crafty excitement. Haha! Just kidding. But seriously, Pinterest is my new addiction. When I first heard of this website, I thought to myself, "What in the world? How boring." But no. It is fantastic. Now, if you know me, you know that I am NOT a crafty person. I despise all home improvement projects and whenever I start a craft it usually ends up sitting in a dusty drawer somewhere waiting to be completed. But then I discovered this wonderful place that has so many cool ideas! Now I am addicted as well as my mom. Our boards are slightly different though. Hers is composed of mostly homeschool ideas, little kid crafts, and ideas on how to photograph and organize a big family. Mine is filled with funny quotes, expensive clothes I will never own, and delicious looking recipes I will probably be too lazy to ever try (except these Rollo stuffed cookies. I made them twice and they are so yummy!). Anyway, my mom wanted me to share with you some of her favorite pins.

So there are some of her favorites. Now, I must admit, I have many (many, many, many, many) more pins than my mom does. It may have something to do with the fact that I have a lot more free time than she does... But here are some of my favorites! 

This just perfectly sums up my first day of pinning.

So there you go! Those are some of our very favorites. Now, if you haven't joined Pinterest yet, I suggest you think long and hard about it. Do it once and you'll just want to keep going back for more. Happy Pinning!  

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