Wednesday, March 14, 2012


     I'm finally back! This past week has been INSANE for me! I'm in a show called Vikings on Broadway, and it's been a little crazy trying to balance work, school, choir, dance, chores, and still think of blog ideas. I did come up with one idea that I thought would be really cute/funny/interesting. I asked all the kids (and my parents) what they thought was the best thing about having a large family, and what they think is the worst thing. Here are the answers I received:

Jonah (3 1/2 months)
Worst: Sometimes it gets really loud when everyone fights over who gets to hold me.  
Best: There are always lots of faces in front of me to look at! 

Isaac (7)
Worst: I have to share a bedroom with Jackson. I want my OWN. Ugh. 
Best: I pretty much always have someone to play with. 

Jackson (4 1/2)
Worst: I can't play with my big sisters. They're too big. The only one I can play with is Kate. 
Best: I have lots of boys to play with. They aren't too big. 

Kate (8)
Worst: We can't take a lot of trips. 
Best: There are lots of people to love you that you can love back. Not just strangers. 

Landon (11)
Worst: You don't get very many presents for Christmas and stuff. Oh, and when Kate sleeps in the jungle room, it's really annoying. She's all like, "Come help me make my bed!" 
She won't stop talking until midnight. 
Best: It usually doesn't take very long to clean the house when everyone helps, and I always have someone to play with. 

Emma (13) 
Worst: It's hard to get everyone ready to go places. 
Best: We all have really different personalities, so it's going to be fun watching all the little kids grow up.

Ally (15)
Worst: The noise. No, wait. The cleaning. That's really bad. 
Best: It's fun to have three of us girls that wear the same size of clothes. That means we have three times what normal people get. Hehe! 

Glynne (17)
Worst: When we try to take vacations, it's usually really crazy. Another thing is that when I go to college, I'll have to leave behind a lot of little kids whom I'll miss like crazy. That makes me sad every time I think about it. 
Best: I know that the relationships I have with all of them will last forever. When we are all old and have our own families, we will still be really, really close. I can't wait to watch all of them grow up. 

Julie (41)
Worst: Taking the time to plan and cook dinner and always having at least one person complain about it. every. single. night. 
Best: Having nine people love you no matter what.  

Bryan (41)
Worst: The constant noise and demand for attention. 
Best: Observing true love and affection between my kids. 


  1. Very cool! Thanks for the post!

    1. Ahhh. That's so nice. I didn't know anybody really read this!! Glynne and I just have a lot of fun thinking up things to blog about, but it's neat that someone is reading it!! Julie
