Sunday, July 1, 2012

Update on the Travelers

Here's a peek into the travelers' first impressions of Haiti. Here's Glynne.

Hi Mom!!!!

   It feels like forever since we said goodbye to you this morning. FOREVER. The airport here in Haiti is crazy hectic. People are so loud and fast moving here! That is something that is totally different from Zimbabwe. In Zimbabwe the people wouldn't talk if you begged them. Here they almost won't stop. Well, not really. It's not quite that extreme. But it is very loud.
   You would not like driving around here. There are no rules at all. It's a little scary actually.
   There are SO many people living in shacks made of cardboard looking stuff and tarps. It's almost depressing since I can't imagine anyone ever being able to help all of them.
   On the up side, our resort hotel place is a lot nicer than I thought it would be. It's decorated all cheerful in blue and yellow. You'll love seeing the pictures. I'm sharing a room with Heidi and it connects to Dad, Ally, and Emma's room. We actually have air conditioning that feels fantastic and a tv that plays American tv! Lord of the Rings was actually on earlier.
 In conclusion, we are having a pretty good time. Oh, except for Dad. His intestinal problems are really acting up and he felt like he almost had to have our bus driver stop so he could get out and throw up. Luckily, he's been feeling a bit better since they have cold water here and pretty yummy food. They also gave us free Sprite tonight so I gave him mine and that seemed to help as well.
  We love you and miss you all!
- Glynne

P.S. Tell the little kids that we ate a conch snail. You should show them a picture of what it looks like. It was actually good.

P.P.S. Try not to criticize my email writing tonight. I'm dead tired and not functioning super well.

Totally agree that this has been a very long day! I wish I could transport myself there for about 10 minutes - see everything and then come home.
Your note is fabulous.  No criticism here!  In fact, I'm going to copy/paste it on the blog.  Do you mind? Or are you wanting to do a blog from there? It is possible, right?
I'm so glad you're taking care of Dad.  I'm getting ready to show the kids the conch snail.  Yum. Yum.
Love you!  Mom  

Hahaha! Sure. You can post it. Just make a little note saying I wrote it after a long day with only 2 hours or less of sleep. Love you! Tell the kids I miss them a ton and kiss Jonah like crazy for me. Oh! And make sure you email us when he crawls! And take a video. I don't want to miss it. - Glynne

(Side note - Jonah is crawling and of course the video camera is dead.  I'm going to have to locate my camera and try to film this momentous occasion for the big girls! :))

Bryan emailed me these pictures and it made me so glad they have this opportunity.

Bryan said the food is pretty good.
In the village, girls have to cover their shoulders and wear skirts.
Out at the work sites, girls can wear shorts as long as their knees are covered, but
they stressed NO SPAGHETTI STRAP tops.
It sounds like they're having a good time considering the circumstances.  It melts my heart to see those kids in the pictures.  I haven't heard the girls' take on what they've been doing, but as soon as I do, I'll share it with you!  In the meantime, please keep lifting them up in prayer.
God bless, Julie


  1. It's so great to get these updates! I miss all of you guys. I'm totally jealous you got to try conch snail! I bet you're glad that I wasn't there to tell you all about its anatomy and totally gross you out though :) That's cool that they had Lord of the Rings and American shows on TV! It's always nice to see something familiar in a foreign country. If Mrs. Davis can't find her camera, I will video tape Jackson crawling for you guys, I want to see him crawl too! I'll continue to pray for all of your health and success for your missions trip. I can't wait to hear more stories when you get back!

  2. I'm caught in a time warp. JONAH is crawling not Jackson. I guess I could video tape Jackson crawling too, but it might not be as interesting :)
