Thursday, July 5, 2012

Update #?

Things still seem to be going well.  Bryan sent this email sometime yesterday.

Today again in the clinic this morning. Different translator today. His name is Robinson Pierre.  He is 27, married with 2 daughters and only works here and there as a translator.  Finished HS last week and would like to go to medical school in US.  Very nice and has a great love for Christ. 
Robinson told me he went through a tough time a while back.  I asked him and through tears he told me he had no food or water for his wife and kids 2 days.  His little one 2 yrs old learned to say she was hungry and thirsty.  He said it broke his heart.  But he trusts in God.

Then I read this email from Glynne.

Ally is having fun too. She also has a couple boys at VBS that follow her around. One of them gave her a nickname I can't remember, so she named him Chad in return. You'll have to ask Dad how she's doing. I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to her much. 
     Yesterday when I was swimming in the ocean I stepped on something sharp. At first I thought I cut my foot, but later I realized I had something stuck in it. It started to hurt the next morning so I asked Dad if he could take me to the clinic and dig it out. I thought it wouldn't hurt much since it seemed close to the surface and my heel is pretty calloused and tough. I was so wrong. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the foot multiple times! I think it was pretty hard to get out since it was super tiny so he had to dig around a lot to find it. Now that it's out it feels a lot better. 
     Tell the kids we got them all presents today! Well... all of them except Jonah. There isn't much to get a 7 month old here. We can't wait to show them what we got. 

Love you all! - Glynne 

P.S. Write me an email about what you all have been doing! I MISS JONAH! 

The rest of this post is for Glynne.  She wants to hear about what we've been doing, so here it is - in words & pictures.

We painted the window in our den.  Now it matches all our other windows.
The kids had fun climbing on the ladder and helping me sand.
Guess who's cooking since the you guys are gone?!?
We've had some attitudes this week - not tons, but some!
 Landon entices Jonah to crawl and...
it is working! We have a crawler here - well, more like a scooter.

Jonah is wondering, "Hey, where are you guys?  It's  been awhile since you smothered me with your kisses!"
Scooping up Cheerios off the kitchen floor.  This was right after the swimming party and the floor, well, let's just say, it could be cleaner - especially if you were here! :)

I love this one.  He looks so sweet.

Food for the week.
 On Monday (you missed out!), we had 11 boys over (including ours) for a swimming party.

 We bought this formal for Kate at the Salvation Army ($2.50) and cut it down to fit her
just like I used to do with you guys.


Peek - a - boo!  I see you.
How is this for cuteness??
Jonah will be so excited to see you all.

 The boys have also been having a blast with fireworks.  On Monday night, they put on their own little show down at the beach for Grandma and Grandpa Pettey.  Landon even had little flags sticking out of the sand.  I loved how the scale of the fireworks (small) matched the size of the flags (small).  The show was a hit.

We've also been reading Island of the Blue Dolphins at night.  They've enjoyed that.  By the time I'm done reading, almost everyone is sleeping.

Other than that, just normal things have been happening.  Laundry.  Laundry.  Cleaning up lots of sticky spots, and just keeping track of Jonah.  I'll be so glad when you guys come home.  It feels lonely when you all are gone!  I love you. Mom


AW! I almost wish I hadn't seen these pictures because it makes me miss everyone so much! I can't wait to be home, but it's also really sad to leave. I even started to call the resort home... funny, huh? 
We have already discussed how we're going to hug Jonah when we get back. Dad gets to go first, and then Emma. Ally and I are scared she'll end up hurting us to get to him if we don't let her go before us. ;) Tell Kate that she looks so beautiful in her dress! I'm excited to see it in person. Don't forget to tell everyone we love them lots and cannot wait to see them on Saturday! 

- Glynne 

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