Thursday, April 12, 2012

Easter 2012 Part 1

     I know, I know. It's been a long time since my last post. I need to do better with this... Anyway, we spent this Easter camping at Alabaster Caverns, Oklahoma. Now, usually, I don't enjoy camping with our family. It gets really crazy trying to keep everyone entertained and comfortable. But now that everyone has grown up enough (except Jonah) to entertain themselves, it's gotten so much better. So, here are some (a LOT) of pictures from the first part of our Easter adventure! 

Fueling up before heading out. 
Jack's first time putting gas in! He's way ahead of me. I didn't learn how to do that until after I'd learned to drive.  

He's just a tad proud of himself. 
Here's the inside of the RV we rented for the trip! (There's a really good story to be told about my mom trying to drive it home from the rental place...)

Almost there! Finally.

My mom set these up and immediately came to me and said, "Glynne. Go take a picture of those boots. They make me so happy." Haha! Just line up some boots and she's happy? That's something to remember...
Our first meal at the campsite! Grandma made us stew and rolls. Yum!

Isaac fell down and dropped a bunch of Nutter Butters. He got upset about it. 

I'm pretty sure my mother would not want me to put this picture on here, but she's not here right now so I'm going to anyway! :) Enjoy. 
This one we all found particularly hilarious. I'm assuming you can see why.
Of course, the boys cannot go anywhere without bringing some Lego! 

The first night we had a little birthday celebration for Grandpa. I played some praise songs and then we sang Happy Birthday. Afterwards, we sat for about 30 minutes and listened to him tell stories about his parents and their lives during the Dust Bowl in the 1930s.

Time for bed. Amazingly enough, the RV we rented had enough room to sleep 10 people. Perfect for us! 

This table was supposed to make a bed... but we couldn't figure out how to turn it into one. Luckily, Jackson's small enough that he could just sleep on one of the benches. 

Ally and I called the bunks for the first night, but after hearing Jonah cry for what seemed like hours, we changed our minds. We spent the rest of the nights sleeping in the tent my mom had set up for the kids to play in. So much better!

     See? I told you there were a lot, and that's not even close to all of them! I promise the next post will be shorter. Maybe. Haha! I hope you all had as great of an Easter as I did! 


  1. Glynne-
    You did a wonderful job on this post. I like how you "told" the story with pictures.


  2. Love love this. :)
    Aunt Kristen

  3. These are great pictures and I love your captions Glynne! Can't wait to go camping with you guys in June!
