Saturday, April 14, 2012

Easter 2012 Part 2

Jonah fell asleep in my bed. How cute is he? So cute. 

My mom had seen an article in a magazine where someone had roasted Peeps for Easter. She thought it'd be something fun to try. 

You can sort of tell from the picture (but more from Isaac's face) that instead of roasting, the sugar on the outside got burnt. Not exactly what we were expecting...

These were more of a success. We took bananas, cut them open, and filled them with chocolate chips, peanut butter chips, caramel bites, and marshmallows. Then we wrapped them in tin foil and stuck them in the hot coals for a while until everything was nice and melted. Yum!

As soon as my mom took this picture, she looked at it and said, "Hahahahaha! Wow. There's so much red!"
Thanks Mom. 

Our campsite. This was the most organized campsite we've ever had. 

We must have driven everyone else in the campsite insane with our cries of, "Awww! He's so cute!"

Kate was the only one who would agree to play Rummikub with Mom. She got bored about 3/4 of the way through the game, so I stepped in and won. Of course. Haha! Just kidding. I usually lose. 

All the food was so good on this trip! Seriously. It was amazing. 

These trails along the cliffs were so much fun to hike! I kept asking Ally if we could climb off the path and go up and down a bunch of drop-offs, but she kept saying no. Party pooper. 

I think one of my favorite quotes from the trip was her saying, "Glynne. If you start to fall off that cliff I will not save you like Eustace did for Jill. I will not." 

We both enjoyed taking pictures of all the gorgeous wildflowers that were blooming. 

Doesn't she make a cute bat? 

Landon and I got bored waiting for everyone else to walk down to this outdoor chapel we found for our  little Easter service. So I told him to try jumping from bench to bench so I could take some action shots. 

I asked him to try a toe touch... Close enough. 

I tend to make funny faces while doing leaps... Attractive, I know. 

You can see where I got it from though! Haha! We have the coolest mom. 

I do like to make fun of her though, so I did this. 

Emma always does her little "High School Musical" jump. 

I can't believe how big Jack has gotten! 

This was during the Bible reading on Easter morning. I'm thinking she got a little bored. 

There were so many pretty flowers around that I was dying to do something with them. So, Emma let me do her hair Rapunzel style! I love how it turned out. 

During the Easter egg hunt, we found this little dude hiding out beside one of the eggs. 

Horny toads are so cool! 

Running down to get in line for the hunt. 

This year my mom made the hunt interesting by not putting anything in the hot pink eggs. Afterwards,  she told us it was because she had money to put in them after we found them! Landon and I were the only ones without hot pink eggs. It was sad. 

Jonah found the horny toad (we named him Poinky) very interesting. 

He and I had a little photoshoot before Easter lunch. I love this boy! 

Grandma made us some delicious baked spaghetti and salad for lunch. 

Emma and I spent the rest of our day reading outside on our sleeping bags. I adore these types of days. 
     To end this last part of the blog, I have a short story to tell you about something Jackson said to me during one of our hikes.

     We had been hiking for about 30 minutes along trails that had extremely steep drop offs and were infested with rattlesnake dens. I kept trying to hold on to Jack to make sure he wouldn't go sliding off the edge, but he wasn't having any of it. Finally, I turned to him and said, "Jackson, you have to let me hold on to you so you don't fall off this cliff, and if you see a snake do not touch it."
     He just looked and me and said, "Glynne. I can touch it. I am a boy. You're just a girl." And proceeded to walk off. Hardly believing he said this, I just stared after him. Once I caught back up, I told him (without laughing, which was very difficult) to never say that again, but I don't think he listened.

     There's my story! And it marks the end of the blogs about Easter. Hopefully, you all caught a glance of how much fun we had.


  1. Wonderful pictures, Glynne. Your family has so much fun together! Thanks for sharing your Easter weekend!

    1. Thank you so much! We certainly did have fun. :)
