Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Right At This Moment

   It's time for another Right At This Moment blog! 

Emma's been devouring the Inheritance Cycle recently. It's still such a shock to see her reading so much, because only a  year or two ago we were fighting to get her to read anything. We're so happy she finally sees how much fun it is! 

Mom is having a major chocolate craving, so she's excited to discover we have all the ingredients for one of her favorite desserts. 

Jonah's hanging out in his little bouncy seat. 

Oh, Landon. Always the goofball. 

Isaac and Jackson are outside enjoying the beautiful weather today. 

Kate's inventing some sort of frozen, layered drink/slushy... We'll see how that turns out. 

Ally didn't want her picture taken yet again, so I took one anyway. She's eating lunch in her quiet, peaceful room. 
     Alright! There's the next installment of Right At This Moment. The house is a lot messier than you could tell from the pictures... I'm thinking we'll have to do a blog on how the house looks most days for you all. That should be pretty interesting. Haha! My mom might not be too thrilled with that idea.

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