Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Give Thanks

Here are a few things that each of us are thankful for.

Glynne-Kyle and family.

Ally-The new baby, of course, and I'm thankful I can drive.

Me-I'm thankful for sooo many things, but I'll try to keep it short. 
I'm very thankful for the new baby, and that he/she is healthy. I'm thankful that God loves
 me, and that I'll get to go to heaven. I'm also thankful we have a house that fits us all,
 that we have food, and that God gave us kids the most amazing parents.

Landon-Uh, I'm thankful we have a good Christian family. I'm thankful for all our toys, 
and that we have lots of people in our family so we won't get bored.

Kate-Uh, my family and our razor and stuff.

Isaac-I'm thankful for my family and for our house, and that Aunt Lauren
 and Uncle Kyle are having a kid.

Jackson-I'm thankful for God, and the new baby, and Mom and Dad.

Mom-I'm thankful that I"m almost done being pregnant.

Dad-So many things! Mostly my wonderful wife and awesome kids whom I adore.
 Besides, of course, that Jesus loves me.

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