Friday, November 30, 2012


This is Julie today.

Ally just cracked me up.  You may not find this funny, but I did!
Here's what is going on at our house when she said her "funny."

1.  Landon is gathering items to bury for an archaeological "dig"
2.  Isaac is trying to locate something to put freshly dug dirt in - school project
3.  Jackson is yelling at me to come look at something he has cleaned for me
4.  Kate and Jonah are driving letters to the mailbox in the golf cart 
5.  Bryan is cleaning a coyote skin
6.  Lentils are boiling on the stove for another school project and the timer is going off
7.  Glynne is yelling at me to drain the lentils because she's busy
8.  Emma is yelling about a stink (middle eastern food smell)
9.  The phone is ringing - sorry we didn't answer - as soon as I'm done writing this
blog I'll check and see who called
10.  Now Kate is back from the mailbox and is changing her shoes

This is when Ally (who's in the middle of an Ancient Civ. test) yells from the kitchen table to Kate in the family room.... 

Kate - why are you putting black boots on with brown pants!!!!

Really? Has Hilary Duff from Cheaper by the Dozen moved in with us??  There. A scene from the Davis household!!  


  1. I will never get enough of your blog posts. They amaze me and enduce so much laughter! I love it!
    - Aunt L
