Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jewelry by Ally

November is the month of thankfulness. I'm thankful for so many things that if I tried to do a blog on all of them it would be... impossible. So, I'm not gonna try that! Instead, I'm going to talk about a sibling I'm thankful for. Ally. It's awesome that my sister is also one of my best friends. She is super good at lots of things, but my favorite thing she does is art. Drawing, painting, photography - she's good at it all! Another form of art she's recently become fantastic at, is jewelry design. I love it cause she makes me stuff! I wuve you, Ally. 

Here are some pictures of rings, earrings, and necklaces she's made. Some she's given to me, and some I've just stolen from her. I think she takes that as a compliment. Inside. 
Deep inside. 

This is a recycled t-shirt pom pom necklace. It's too cute for that name. We should come up with a better name.  

Aren't they all amazing? I adore them. 

Comment on which piece is your favorite! 

Maybe we should have a competition with jewelry prizes... That would be fun, right? 

1 comment:

  1. Ally, you should sell these on Etsy or some store here in town! They are amazing! Seriously.
