Tuesday, November 20, 2012


     It has been such a long time since my last post! I've been having some technical difficulties with my laptop. It refuses to upload pictures to the blog. Super annoying, I know. Anyway, this month is the month of thankfulness. It's almost over now... but I wanted to do a thankful post anyway! So, I walked around the house and asked everyone what they were most thankful for.

Jackson: I'm thankful for Mom and Dad. Um... Also, I'm thankful for when we got our new house.

Isaac: For Christmas and snow and plants. And food. And people. That's it.

Kate: Um... Family. And that we have a good church to go to. I'm thankful that Mom had another child, and for all our animals.

Landon: I'm thankful for my cat, Black Ops. Our family. Actually, I'm thankful for all of our animals. And our land. Oh, and my shotgun. But that kinda goes with family since they got it for me. Yeah.

Emma: I don't have to go to public school. I'm thankful that we live in a small town and that Dad has a good job.

Ally: Well... I'm not thankful for your (Glynne's) ringtone. It goes off all the time. Can't you use vibrate or something? Anyway, I am thankful for Jonah because I love him and it's almost his birthday.

Glynne: I'm super thankful for Jonah. He's one of the best things in my life right now. I'm also especially thankful for my awesome parents and family. I'm so blessed to have them. This may sound weird, but I'm really thankful for bipolar Kansas weather. Otherwise, it'd be boring.

Dad: I'm thankful that Jesus loves me. For my wife and family. And for my parents.

Mom: Obviously, I'm thankful for the normal things. I feel like I should say something really deep... Oh, I'm thankful that Jonah can finally sleep in his own crib for the whole night. And that Jesus died for me. I'm thankful for heaven where I will eat as much food as I want and decorate all the time.

On a side note, Landon's birthday was this past Saturday! He turned 12!!! I cannot believe he is already that old. It. Is. Crazy. And he's so tall too. I'm dreading the day when my little bro will beat me in the height department. It'll mean he's growing up. :( 

Have an AWESOME Thanksgiving! 

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