Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Technical Difficulties

Hello!  Julie today.

I told Glynne that we need to let you know we are having problems.  Not with each other :) but with this blog.  A couple of weeks ago, Glynne told me she wasn't able to upload any more photos - blogger said we'd maxed out our allotment.  Ok.  Now what?  Glynne looked into the problem and told me we need to decide if we want to pay 3.00 per month to man this blog.  After we pay, I guess we get to upload more photos and continue on.  Boy, 3.00 - I don't know if we can part with that much each month :).  Of course, we should pay it!  That's only 36.00 bucks a year.  We have to continue on.  Now, I just need her to do it.  I don't have a clue about things like this.  So that's why we haven't been updating much; we're stuck.  And until Glynne fixes things, not much will be happening.

I will tell you about the things I wish I could blog about:
-Our 9 foot real Christmas tree.  It's so incredibly soft - a Frasier fir.  And ...we didn't have to wear gloves up to our elbows to decorate it!!
-Jonah.  He's getting a personality.  When I unload the dishwasher, he likes to hand me the silverware ONE AT A TIME! Each time I say thank you, he claps for himself two times: clap - clap.
-We moved our house around.  The dining room became our living room and our living room is now in the kitchen where our dining room used to be.  It works.  It's also much more fun to clean - well, that was last week.  Now it's not so fun anymore!

We are looking forward to Christmas.  It seems like it should be sooner than a week away.  We're enjoying a Jesse Tree devotional and that has helped keep us focused on the point of Christmas. 

I guess that's all.  Hopefully, we'll get this blog thing all figured out.  I'll tell Glynne she has to fix it before she can ...hmmm I can't think of anything...eat??? That'll go over real well.

Have a wonderful Christmas!! Julie

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