Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Finally, Jonah's on the wall!

For awhile now, I've been thinking about what to do with the pictures of the kids on our bedroom wall.  I liked how this arrangement looked.  But now we have another little boy to add.  Do you scoot the boys over and line them up on top of the others?  Do you keep it the same and just add Jonah's picture next to Jackson's?  No.  If you're me, you redo the WHOLE thing.  

 I went down in our storeroom and collected a stack of unused picture frames.
My idea is to create a gallery of photos like everyone else in the world is doing. :)

I tore off the backs (one even used to be a mirror) and proceeded to add hooks where needed.

 Then I spray painted them.  This took A LOT of paint.  Usually, I estimate the amount of paint quite well, but not this time.  Can you believe it took 3 cans of spray paint and that's not counting the first coat of primer?  Ahhh. I thought this project would never end!

 But it was worth it!  Now my Jonah is up on the wall with all the other kids.
In fact, until Bryan and I take a good picture or we get a family picture taken vertically, Jonah gets to be up there twice!

I'm really happy with the end result.  It is much brighter and cheerful than before.  I also like that the frames are different (like each child!).  Every morning this is what I see when I wake up, and I love each and every one of them!! 


  1. love the new picture frames....looks great!

  2. Thank you!! Do you like to do projects like this from time to time? In a magazine I was reading, this couple said they "like to relax by doing home projects." I can totally relate. This is fun for me - not Bryan's idea of relaxing, but mine!
