Saturday, June 9, 2012

Cousin Camp: Day 1

    This week has been full of preparations.  All but one of our cousins on my mom's side are arriving for 3 days of Cousin Camp fun!  We have been working for the past couple of days to get the house ready for the event. This means dusting, vacuuming, mopping, de-cluttering, organizing, grocery shopping, and cooking. It may sound like a lot, but with all of us working hard it doesn't take too long. Having a big family is handy for stuff like this.
        Emma and Noah Camp set up the tent.  This will be the sleeping quarters for possibly 4-7 boys.

Since there will be people staying in the boys' room, it needed to be cleaned and made presentable. As an extra thing, my mom and Mrs. Gardner made up some baskets to make their stay a little more hotel-ish. 

(Katie Gardner made the soap.  She sells it too!)

As of right now, we're still waiting for them to arrive. Everything is set and ready. We even have a schedule made for today! 

Hopefully everything goes well today here at Cousin Camp 2012, and we hope you all have a fun week! 

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