Monday, February 27, 2012

Right At This Moment

     Today is Monday. At our house, that means that we are all in a bit of a slump trying to get back into the weekly schedule of school. Forcing yourself to get up and get stuff done after a fun weekend is pretty difficult sometimes. I don't know anyone who likes doing that. Consequently, I've been too busy to come up with something really fun and interesting to blog about. So my mom said I should just let you all know what we are doing right at this moment. As I am typing, the boys are supposed to be cleaning their room. Supposed to be. Usually what they do is sit in the middle of the mess, pick up something, pretend to put it away, and then play with it for twenty minutes until my mom or someone walks in and catches them. What else can you expect from a seven and a four year old boy? I've said many times that they have the attention span of a gnat. 

While the boys are attempting to clean their room, Kate is putting away all her clean clothes. She seems happy to finally have something to wear. 

Many people have commented on how much laundry we must have. The lucky person who gets to do it all is Ally, but she wants to remain anonymous. 

In the midst of all the madness, Jonah was getting a little upset about being ignored. So Isaac headed over to Mom and Dad's room to help out. 

A noise you hear a LOT around here, is the banging of a ball bouncing off the walls of the basement. Whether the kids are playing dodgeball, soccer, or catch, the sound of a ball hitting something is usually heard. Landon loves soccer, so he is found shooting a ball into a makeshift goal. 

After my mom went around and took all the pictures, she proceeded to come into my room (followed by a herd of kids.) to tell me exactly how I should caption each photo. I figured it wouldn't be a complete blog without a picture of the person who contributes most to the household, so I had to take one of her. She complained that she can't take a picture with her eyes open. So I took five pictures of her. In five out of five pictures, her eyes were... closed. Haha! So I just chose the best one. Love you Mom! 


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, laughing so hard as I read this. Especially the photo of has to be genetic because I NEVER take a photo with my eyes open :). Keep posting, they make my day!
