Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Red

Mom - the crafty person she is - is out in the garage putting together a pet feeder. Meanwhile, Jonah is having tons of fun driving his car around with his "race car gloves on." 

While I was playing with the now-almost-grown-up kitties, I noticed this...

The sink was completely full of water and overflowing because Jonah decide to take a bath. I think the kitchen is the only clean room in the house at this moment. Until dinner, that is. Then it will be the messiest.

Then I looked outside and remembered Mom complaining about how our "pet" chicken, Big Red, is now laying her eggs in Mom's flower pots due to the ducks taking over her nesting place.

She does love the eggs we get from the chicken. I asked her if it was worth it...
She answered, "No, Braum's eggs are just fine."

We started our End of the Year scrapbook! Or I have. It's pretty fun to sit up there all alone listening to my music. 

Here are a couple of the pages I've finished...

Well this has been our life for the last few weeks. I am leaving for camp the day after tomorrow and am really excited! I get to be a counselor for this one, which, in my opinion, is way more fun. And... I get to take a break from the kitchen for a while. Should be a good week!

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

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